[Before officially adding your Security Key to Bank of America, please log-in to YOUR personal Bank of America account via the Bank of America website.]

Step 1: Visit the link to Bank of America's Security Key FAQ (Click HERE)

The following link is YOUR portal to setting up your security key found on the Bank of America website.


Step 2: Choose "USB Security Key" and click Add.



Step 3: Insert the Thetis FIDO2 Security Key. Click "Add Security Key".



Step 4: Request an Authorization Code by choosing either "Text Message" or "Phone Call". Then, click "SEND CODE". Enter the provided Authorization Code and proceed to the next step. 



Step 5: Wait a few moments and touch your security key.



Step 6: Enter your security key PIN.


Step 7: Now, touch your security key once more to register it.


CONGRATULATIONS! You have successfully setup your Thetis FIDO2 Security Key with Bank of America!